Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Life's a Cuss Word.....

My life is liveable, but from time to time (which seems to be more now than ever) it can be compared to the "B-word". I wish it could be as sweet as candy or as good as my granny's Thanksgiving dinner, but it's not. As a matter of fact it seems to get worst as time goes by. When I think that I've gotten 2 steps ahead...that B@*# pulls me 4 steps back. This life is becoming too much for me to handle....I'm not fulfilling my obligations....It seems as if my best is never good enough.....Life demands a great deal from you......more than you demand of your self.....an unneccessary amount......
I ask WHY? Life needs to either give me a break or else.......

The Hardest Working College Sophomore....

The name's Teni-Ola. I'm a second year student at Howard University(The Mecca of Black Education). I'm a Broadcast Journalism major from Atlanta, Ga. with aspirations to become a Entertainment broadcaster/writer/producer/editor. I am currently on a major grind: I am a full-time student with 16credit hrs, full-time employee working 40hrs and another part-time job working 10 hrs every single week. I am a volunteer tutor and complete community service each week. I'm a host for my college radio station, "Good Morning HU," every Tuesday and Thursday. I literally work EVERY SINGLE day and have to spend the rest of that time doing school work. Don't ask me when I sleep because I don't, "The only thing that comes to the sleeping man are DREAMS," and I'm DEFINTELY not dreaming. I'm my toughest critic and my biggest supporter. Due to the death of my mother in "06" and the death of my father when I was younger, I have had to do a lot of growing up in a short amount of time. I have a lot riding on my shoulders but my mama raised a damn strong young lady......It's a HARD JOB and somebody's got to do it...say hello to that SOMEBODY.....and Say Hello to the "Hardest Working College Sophomore!"